by Hannah Robinson

Off-Duty Kendall Vibes

Oasis Coat (similar), New Look Coated Jeans, Zara Tee, Zara Boots (sold out), New Look Hoodie

As I sit in my jammies, cold in my house watching Scotland beating France in the six nations (c'mon lads!), I thought I would pop up a post of a look I would be wearing had I got dressed today... 

This is a very Kendall inspired look, I love her off-duty style and how she always looks so effortless. This was inspired by her 'just got off a plane after 12 hours and still look flawless' type outfit (although I don't think I pull it off nearly as well). I like the monochromatic look with little flashes of silver hardware on the belt buckle and these amazing western style Zara boots I found in the sale. I think it also looks best with a thrown up hair-do, which is ideal for someone who has more bad days than good!

H x


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